BS Factor:TV Recaps and Everything Else

Weekly-ish Podcast about Everything TV and Everything Else in Entertainment.

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Oscar 2012 Special

Friday Mar 02, 2012

Friday Mar 02, 2012

We're back for the 2012 Academy Awards. We live blog the entire show and have compressed it down to a teeny tiny under 4o minute podcast. We watch the show so you don't have to. We pinpoint some highlights, some low-lights, and most notably the strange dark coloring of Billy Crystal's hair. Also included is continual Live Tweets that occurred during the telecast so you can get a sense of what the country was thinking and trending at the time. So take a listen and enjoy!

Saturday Feb 04, 2012

BS Factor is back with a brand new episode. During this episode Ben and Stacie discuss several of the hottest news topics to hit the TV and celebrity world. Topics include the mass firing on X Factor, the brand new season of American Idol, Grey's Anatomy's reek of desperation and The Office's downfall. We also discuss the craziness that has become Christina Aguliera. We also share big BS Factor news regarding The 2012 Oscars. For more information on American Idol please go to our Idol blog at So check that all out and we'll see you soon.

Friday Jan 13, 2012

Welcome Back to BS Factor! After a Sopranos like hiatus Ben and Stacie are back with an all new BS Factor and back to discussing all the current TV and celebrity news that anyone can handle. During this episode Ben and Stacie discuss the ridiculous People's Choice Awards, Dave Letterman's new contract extension, the Lady Gaga and Madonna controversy as well as the return of American Idol Season 11. Stacie also discusses the creation of her American Idol blog called I'dol Be The Judge. For more information about American Idol and I'dol Be The Judge please go to We're back and come back soon to listen to even more of Ben and Stacie's take on TV, movies, and so much more. See you soon!

Saturday Jun 27, 2009

This podcast is dedicated to the music and creativity of Michael Jackson. Despite the craziness which was his personal life, which we also discuss, there was great music and innovation. During the podcast we discuss and reflect on several of his most famous songs throughout his career. Clips of his songs are also played throughout the show. Take a listen to remember Michael Jackson on this special edition of BS Factor.

Copyright 2012 Stacie Reisner. All rights reserved.

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